
Marvel's Spider Man 2 tops 5 million sales amid Sony first-party slump

Sony claims the title has become a "big hit."

Insomniac's web-slinging sequel, Marvel's Spider-Man 2, has sold over 5 million copies worldwide. Sony shared the milestone in its latest fiscal report, where it claimed the PlayStation 5 exclusive had become a "big hit"

The game initially topped 2.5 million sales in three days, and has now more than doubled that total. Marvel's Spider-Man 2 launched on October 20, 2023, and serves as a sequel to both Marvel's Spider-Man and spin-off Marvel's Spider-Man: Miles Morales.

Although Sony lauded the performance of Insomniac's open-world superhero adventure, it looks like first-party sales are beginning to stumble overall.

As noted in the company's latest fiscal report, first-party sales totaled 4.7 million units during Q2 FY2023–which is almost 2 million fewer sales than the 6.6 million reported during Q2 FY2022. That's the lowest first-party sales have been over the past 18 months.

It'll be interesting to see whether Sony bounces back during Q3, which is where the company will report those 5 million (and likely even more) Marvel's Spider-Man 2 sales. During the last fiscal year, the PlayStation maker managed to shift 20.8 million first-party titles during that three-month window–which covers the lucrative holiday season.

Despite that first-party blip, Sony claims the PlayStation 5 remains on track to sell 25 million units this year. The console sold 4.9 million units during Q2 and is expected to gather momentum following the launch of the PS Portal handheld and slimline PS5.


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