
Longtime Blizzard art director Sam Didier departs studio

During his time at Blizzard, Didier drew art for nearly all of the studio's games, and famously created the Pandaren race for World of Warcraft.

Samwise Didier, a 32-year veteran at Blizzard Entertainment, revealed he's left the World of Warcraft developer. On Friday, November 10, Didier announced his retirement from the studio, which he called "inspiring and intimidating all at the same time."

Didier first joined Blizzard in 1991 when it was known as Silicon & Synapse. Looking back on his time, he noted how much of his time in the industry belonged to the one studio: "I learned almost everything I know about art there. [...] I learned how to use Photoshop, I learned how to create UI and make thousands of buttons."

Over the years, Didier contributed artwork (both in-game and in physical manuals) for titles like Blackthorne and the first Warcraft. He became an art director and producer for Warcraft IIand would maintain the former position on Diablo, Starcraft, Warcraft III, and Starcraft II

Didier also introduced the playable Pandaren race in World of Warcraft's 2012 expansion Mists of Pandaria. In addition to drawing for Blizzard, he also did voice work in WoW and Heroes of the Storm, along with both Overwatch games and Diablo III

" I got to work on some of the greatest games this here ol' world has ever known," concluded Didier. "Thank you Blizzard, for everything. If I were to leave any words of wisdom to the mighty Blizzard Entertainment, it would be this: Always draw big shoulder pads."

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